Distance billing is one of the billing elements for Diginet and Megalines. 

The customer is billed per kilometre for the radial distance between the two exchanges also referred to as the A and B exchanges.

The coordinates (longitudes and latitudes) from each Exchange is obtained from loaded data.

The distance is automatically calculated in Order Management System by the service provider.

Inaccurate coordinates are used to calculate distance resulting in inaccurate billing of in the region of 15%.


» Due to frustrations with the service provider the customer had stopped paying his account in December 2011.
» He had engaged with a telecoms consultancy company and in turn a VOIP service provider to introduce a total VOIP solution.
» He had written a letter to the service provider to discontinue all services besides the ISDN PRI services which are required for PSTN access. This request was never carried out.

The customer engaged with us in April 2012 giving us a mandate to correct the rental aspects of the account

Without a single technology or infrastructure change we:

» Had all unnecessary services discontinued.
» Had the bills corrected so that the services on the bill matches the services on site (monthly rental reduced from R106000 to R13423 per month.
» Initiated and managed claims for refunds for incorrect billing (R661k).

The customer has now mandated TCMA to review their voice usage

Rental was reduced from an average of R106000 down to R13423 per month

Rental was reduced from an average of R34613 down to R9518 per month


A performance fee or commission will be negotiated 
A percentage of refunds claimed from the service provider/s:

In the case of recovery of funds, the client will be invoiced once the refund or credit note has been reflected on the clients telecommunications invoice or a refund payment has been made by the service provider.

A percentage of all projected savings, per cost saving project, for a predetermined period.

In the case of cost saving; after the implementation of the cost saving project /initiative, the client will be invoiced once the sustainability of the benefits of the costs savings initiative has been established.. This will enable an effective projection of savings per project. The six months prior to the implementation of the project will be used as the baseline.